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Our Drink

What we try to do is please our local audience by offering something a little different and where we can, a little local.

In wines we stick to a simple rule 'the wine has got to taste good and represent good value for money', it's about quality, but we also like to have quantity too, offering a list of 40 to 50 wines that cover most bases, occasions and tastes.

In the world of beers and lagers we always make sure there are some friendly familiar faces, but also something a little different. Our range of cask ales vary considerably from pub to pub but most will have 3 or 4 that don't change very often, ideally supporting local brewers and 2 or 3 that rotate to encourage that niggling urge many of us have to try something new.

B & P Traditional Bitters

All of our pubs offer a Brunning and Price Traditional Bitter, brewed with the utmost of care and attention and of course regular quality control testing by ourselves to make sure everything is just so.

The ales are different in the north and the south, brewed through two different breweries. If you would like to know more about their stories, then read on: Brunning and Price Original and Brunning and Price Traditional.

Latest Drink News

Our wonderful drinks suppliers

July 2024

We managed to pick, what feels like the one sunny day in June to hold our ‘Annual Northern Crew BBQ’ a day of socialising and sampling for the team and a chance to sit on a hay bale and make new friends or drink, eat and chat with old.

We all had a wonderful day, as always, and we couldn’t have done it without the help and generosity of lots and lots of local drinks suppliers who came along to meet the teams, show them their new products and invent brilliant games for them the play.

Thank you so much. Too many to name here, but you might spot a few you know, lots of the ‘usual suspects’ that we wouldn’t dream of partying without, but also lots of lovely new faces with new delights for us to try!

Read more... and see our previous drink articles

For all today's menus, to book online, for photos, directions and contact info, click here to download the B&P app from the app store