About Us

Here is just a little info to let you get to know us better...


Here is a little potted history of our pub and the local area... if you have a spare minute or two and maybe a cup of tea (or is that a G&T), we think it's well worth a read.

The Pack Horse is a former farmhouse on the Mapledurham House estate, dating from the 17th century.

The name 'The Pack Horse' tells a story. Pack horses were used to transport goods to inaccessible locations until the coming of the first turnpike roads and canals in the 1700s, when wagons, coaches and canal boats evolved. Away from main routes however, the use of pack horses, often in large teams, persisted into the 1800s, and has left a history of old paths across more remote areas called pack horse roads.

One characteristic feature of the pack horse roads were guide stones or 'stoops'. These were predecessors to the milestones which featured on turnpike roads. Guide stones were usually located at the junction of several tracks, and were carved with directions to local market towns, sometimes with mileages indicated. The official 'mile' only went onto the statute books in the early 19th century, so the distances found on guide stones are 'customary' miles, often grossly underestimating the true distance. Rather, the stones simply provided an approximate guide, providing the traveller with a rough idea of where they were in relation to the other places listed on the stone.

Ancient pack horse paths can often be identified by distinctive narrow and low sided stone arched pack horse bridges, which can still be found at various locations - along with tell-tale names of public houses which existed to provide rest and refreshment for the carriers. Which is where we came in.

Sitting on the banks of the River Thames, Mapledurham is a quiet, rural village. Although lying quite close to Reading, the only road access is by a steep, narrow lane making the village difficult to reach, which has helped to maintain its unspoilt tranquillity.

Despite its quiet location, Mapledurham has many connections within the world of film and literature, thanks in the main to the exquisite Mapledurham house which lies in the heart of the village, and which remarkably has been owned by the same family for over 500 years.

Poet Alexander Pope was familiar with Mapledurham due to a long time courtship with Martha Blout. The Blouts bought the manor in 1490 and it has been passed through generations ever since. From 1707-1715 Alexander Pope was a frequent visitor to the estate visiting both Martha and her sister Theresa. Pope quarrelled with Theresa in 1716 for unknown reasons but his friendship with Martha lasted until his death in 1744.

Kenneth Grahame, author of Wind in the Willows, lived in Pangbourne, a couple of miles upstream from Mapledurham, and it is believed that Mapledurham House and Mill provided the inspiration for the Wind in the Willows' 'Toad Hall', as well as featuring in EH Shepard's illustrations for the book. It is a stunningly beautiful house, and the similarity of Toad Hall to Mapledurham house is inescapable.

Here is the wonderful description of Mole's first encounter of the river in Wind in the Willows: "He thought his happiness was complete... Never in his life had he seen a river before - this sleek, sinuous, full-bodied animal, chasing and chuckling, gripping things with a gurgle and leaving them with a laugh... Glints and gleams and sparkles, rustle and swirl, chatter and bubble..."

The nearby Quarry Wood is also thought to be where, in Grahame's charming narrative, Mole gets lost in the storm and is rescued by Ratty - who leads him to the safety of Badger's hidyhole.

In 1976 the famous wartime blockbuster, 'The Eagle Has Landed', starring Michael Caine, Donald Sutherland, Larry Hagman and Robert Duvall, was filmed at Mapledurham, renamed Studley Constable in the film.

Mapledurham Mill leat (the channel carrying water to the mill) is the scene of the dramatic rescue of a local girl by a German paratrooper, which results in the unmasking and ultimate failure of the raid.

If you look closely on a brick wall next to the watermill, you'll find Michael Caine's autograph discreetly etched amongst hundreds of other initials and signatures. The church was the scene for a dramatic shootout, with a jeep being blown up as it enters the church yard, and a cottage in the village was where Larry Hagman met his end.

To add a more contemporary note, Mapledurham Mill is also the backdrop in the image on the cover of Black Sabbath (album), by the band of the same name, lead singer of which is Ozzy Osbourne.

Mapledurham house was also utilised by John Galsworthy for the later chapters of the famous 'Forsyte Saga' trilogy, where it was the weekend country estate of Soames Forsyte.

If you'd like to put a name to a face, allow us to introduce you to the crew...

Front of house



Chief, General, the Big Boss. Sarah has been a long standing member of the hospitality industry, leading the Packhorse for 16 years. Her unrivalled experience and broad knowledge of the product, particularly the pinot, is what leads the Packhorse to its high standards.


Deputy Manager

Joining us from Brighton, Pauli has been with us for the past couple of years. She was a regular visitor to the pub and has a wealth of experience in the industry and the vinos, so you can feel confident Pauli will maintain the Packhorse spirit.


Assistant Manager

Adam joins us from a fantastic background in hospitality. He has a wide knowledge of all things beer and wine and will be more than happy to make great recommendations on what to order to complement your meal or just to enjoy at the bar! Adam likes to enjoy life and is a welcome addition to the team at the Packhorse!



Colin is our barman and has been in the hospitality business for over 20 years now. In that time, he has picked up extensive knowledge on all things alcohol related and is the guy to go to if you need a wine recommendation. In his spare time, he enjoys time at home with his wife and child or going on walks to feed the ducks.



Karen is a very busy lady, with one thing or another, but she always finds the time for a couple of shifts a week with us. Karen is always good to have on the team for any special events, she loves a project and is currently helping with planning our charity coffee morning next month.

"In my head I'm 21...however, recovery takes longer these days. I'm always looking after people, making sure everyone has a fab time whether I'm working or socialising so hospitality is a fun, vibrant industry which suits how I like to be as a person.  Work hard play hard...."



Beth is the youngest member of the management team (she makes us all feel old) but you wouldn’t know that by the way she has recently taken to her new supervisor role. She has a very bright future and is definitely one to watch out for, you’ll find her commanding the floor with her can do attitude and beaming smile!



Max have been with us for a year now and has really become a rock in the front of house team. He is a joy to be around and he loves a Pinot Grigio, which I would have never have guessed, but the man is full of surprises. If you don’t find him at work he’s probably off on some other adventure.



Keely joined us in the Summer on a part time basis to have a break from raising her kids! She doesn’t have a bad bone in her body and will always go out of her way to help. She is a pleasure to work with and a real asset to the bar team. Make sure you say hello on your next visit.



Luca is a real ladies man (well he likes to think he is). You'll find him strutting around the restaurant entertaining all our guests. He has a real passion and knowledge for all things food and drink, especially when it comes to our Crispy Beef Salad, I'm starting to think he may have a slight addiction to it. As well as working he is also a full time Uni student and trained free diver!



Izzy is a ray of sunshine that brightens everyone's day, mainly with her ditzy comments! She has become a real asset for the Front of House team and sees no challenge as too big. When asked her favourite drink all she could think of was Vodka! She can still recommend the perfect wine for any dish from our menu.



More than a mullet! Just an all-round legend. Joined us after recently graduating from Portsmouth Uni studying film production, watch out as he is rumoured to be the next James Bond. You’ll find James on the bar, ready to dish out his knowledge on all thing’s alcohol!



Head Chef

Over the last five years, George has been working hard to cement the strong reputation of high quality hearty pub food here at the Packhorse. Whether you are looking for the traditional Sunday Roast or to try something new, George and the Kitchen have you covered.


Sous Chef

With smiles, songs and one of a kind dance moves, ‘Ferdi’ brings the soul to the pub. With a broad knowledge of worldwide cuisines and a taste for the unique, we are lucky to have him in the kitchen.



Cool, calm and collected. Charlie is our rock in the kitchen that keeps a level head in a busy environment. Whether it's prepping for the day or making desserts, Charlie has it sorted.


Junior Sous Chef

Prem by name, premier by nature! Prem is our newest member of the kitchen team and has fitted in seamlessly. Nothing is too much of a challenge for Prem, he loves the Thai curry from the menu and will wash it down with a pint of Asahi.


Chef de Partie

Looking for the Man? His name is Cam and he loves a steak burger! Bringing a positive attitude and enough stories to write a screenplay with, Cameron has become a part of the Packhorse. The kitchen would not be the same without him.


Senior Chef de Partie

Our beautiful, feisty Romanian chef, brings us a wealth of knowledge to the kitchen and a strong can do attitude. Alina ensures none of the other chef’s slip out of line by constantly pushing to maintain the standard of the kitchen.


Kitchen Assistant

A staple in the kitchen, Eleonora has been with us for years. When not preparing the sweet treats, you can catch her sat at the bar with a cold glass of the bubbly.


Kitchen Porter

Punit has been with us in the kitchen for just over a year and is the engine of the whole operation. His hard work and dedication are a real asset and nothing is ever too much of a problem. All this hard work means he loves to relax after work with a glass of rum!


Kitchen Porter

Over the past 18 months Olimpo has become a solid foundation of the kitchen team. With his contagious smile and humble personality he is a joy to have as part of the team. When asked one interesting thing about himself he said ‘nothing’, which is absolutely not the case but shows just how humble he really is.



Gardener/Maintenance Person

Now enjoying his semi retirement, Steve really enjoys the friendly environment and uses his wealth of experience for almost anything required at the Packhorse - although he has still never poured a pint!


Gardener/Maintenance Person

After a 35 year career working for various public and utility companies you'd forgive Colin for wanting to take his foot off the pedal and spend time with his long suffering wife June, three children and growing flock of grandchildren. Not so because after sending June around the bend with his endless tinkering in and around his Erlegh home he decided to put his handyman skills to good use and answer our SOS for a skilled practitioner of DIY after James, Tom and Rick's attempts nearly had all four walls of our veritable establishment down. In the year that Colin has been with us he's become a firm part of our happy team, providing the nuts and bolts to help us maintain our fantastic appearance and atmosphere that you all love.